How We Can Help
The Ombuds office may be able to help you, if you need assistance with…
- Problems with advisors
- Disciplinary matters
- Course conflicts
- Grading conflicts
- Health and safety concerns
- Disputes about fees
- Campus housing issues
Visiting the Ombuds office:
- Have established processes and procedures failed?
- Did you receive an explanation for the decision made?
- Is the decision-making process stalled?
- Are you not sure where to even start?
The role of the University Ombuds:
- Works to solve problems as a neutral party
- Works to allay frustration
- Provide advice/guidance to those who requested it
- Cannot change, set aside or supersede existing rules and regulations
- May recommend policy or procedure changes
- Listens carefully and enables examination of complicated situations
- Coaching on effective conflict management or asking/responding to difficult questions
- Shuttle diplomacy or serving as a go-between to resolve problems
The Ombuds can:
- Listen to your concern
- Clarify university policy
- Answer questions concerning appropriate channels
- Assist with problems that have not been resolved by other offices
- Informally look into your concern
- Make referrals to individuals who can address your concern
- Help define options that are available to you
- Recommend changes to university policy, rules, or procedures that are outdated, unclear, or ineffective
- Open avenues of communication; facilitate conversations
- Offer a SAFE place to discuss your concerns
The Ombuds cannot:
- Advocate for an individual or group
- Provide legal advice or representation
- Assist with a non-university related concern
- Tell someone what to do
- Participate in any investigative procedures
- Engage in matters that are undergoing formal process
- Accept formal complaints or serve as an office of notice
- Mandate policies, procedures or make binding decisions